Peaceful Revolution Youth Council Statement on 14th Anniversary of February 11

As we commemorate the 14th anniversary of the glorious February 11 Revolution, we do so at a defining moment in history—one that reaffirms the triumph of the peoples’ free will. From the fall of tyranny in Syria to the victories of our brothers in Sudan, these events serve as undeniable proof that the will for change is indomitable. No matter how oppressive and entrenched authoritarian regimes may seem, they are ultimately destined to collapse before the determination of people yearning for freedom and dignity.

Youth Council Statement on 61st Anniversary of October 14 Revolution

The Peaceful Revolution Youth Council recalls with great pride and honor the sixty-first anniversary of the blessed October 14, 1963 Revolution. This significant event symbolizes the triumph of the Yemeni spirit against British colonialism, where humble rifles overcame one of the most formidable military empires of the era.

Youth Council's Statement on 34th Anniversary of Yemeni Unification

Today, our Yemeni people celebrate the 34th anniversary of the eternal Yemeni unity amidst highly complex circumstances, as our nation confronts formidable challenges posed by non-national projects receiving suspicious foreign support in terms of finances and armaments, thereby undermining the national Yemeni project.
