Youth Council Statement on 61st Anniversary of October 14 Revolution

Youth Council Statement on 61st Anniversary of October 14 Revolution

The Peaceful Revolution Youth Council recalls with great pride and honor the sixty-first anniversary of the blessed October 14, 1963 Revolution. This significant event symbolizes the triumph of the Yemeni spirit against British colonialism, where humble rifles overcame one of the most formidable military empires of the era.

This milestone reignites in Yemenis a deep sense of belonging to their homeland and affirms their unwavering right to every inch of Yemeni soil, free from guardianship or oppression.

It is unfortunate, disheartening, and shameful that this significant anniversary arrives for Yemenis while the country is grappling with new occupying forces. These forces control parts of the land by using local militias to impose their will and undermine Yemen's independent decision-making.

The Council unequivocally condemns the crimes and violations perpetrated by the Houthi terrorist militia in the areas under their control, alongside their attempts to restore the archaic Imamate system, which threatens to drag Yemen back into a regressive past. The Council views the actions of the Southern Transitional Council militias and regional armed factions as a legitimization of the occupation of these territories, serving the interests of the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

This not only sets the stage for the fragmentation of Yemen but also reinforces divisive rhetoric and practices that obstruct the vital struggle of Yemenis against the Houthi terrorist militia. Such actions lead the country into an endless cycle of crises, which is utterly unacceptable and constitutes a blatant violation of national sovereignty and decision-making. This represents a profound betrayal of the coalition's commitments to restore the Yemeni state, its capital Sana’a, and to implement the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference.

It also emphasizes the significance of these national occasions in inspiring the will, strength, and determination needed to confront challenges, despite the ineffective and weak performance of the legitimate government and the so-called "Presidential Council." This leadership has significantly contributed to legitimizing foreign intervention and adopted a lenient approach toward rebel militias, whether sectarian or regional. Furthermore, it has disrespected and exploited the sacrifices and achievements of Yemenis accumulated over decades.

The memory of October 14, with its enduring national significance, embodies the ongoing struggle between the national movements of North and South Yemen. It calls for a revival of the collective national spirit that firmly rejects any attempts to undermine the interests, sovereignty, and unity of the Yemeni people. This pivotal moment compels us to embrace a shared responsibility to protect the nation’s resources, uphold its sovereignty, and defend the political achievements of our republic—namely unity, democracy, partnership, and the sovereignty of the people and their national identity, above all else.

Mercy for the Martyrs

Healing for the Wounded

Glory to Greater Yemen



Issued by:

Peaceful Revolution Youth Council

October 14, 2024
