Peaceful Revolution Youth Council’s Statement on September 26 Revolution's 62nd Anniversary

Peaceful Revolution Youth Council’s Statement on September 26 Revolution's 62nd Anniversary

The September 26 Revolution’s 62nd anniversary arrives at a challenging time for our wounded country. We are facing attacks from sectarian and regional militias, as well as betrayals on both regional and international levels.

Our nation is grappling with significant existential threats to its identity and territorial integrity. This anniversary reminds us of the remarkable strength of the Yemeni people, who achieved a historical miracle under dire circumstances, with limited resources and in complete isolation. It shows us that the will of our people cannot be broken or diminished, no matter how long it takes.

On September 26, 1962, the Yemeni people marked the end of a brutal era characterized by tyranny, oppression, racism, ignorance, and systematic starvation. Under the Imamate, Yemenis were reduced to subjects and slaves, living under an outdated religious authority that thrived on fear and ignorance. This regime perpetuated the myth of sacred rule and divine promise, which other nations had long left behind. Our ancestors ushered in a new chapter for Yemen, enabling its people to see themselves as citizens with rights to power and wealth. This pivotal change opened the door to knowledge, education, coexistence, and the rule of law. It is a proud legacy that we must uphold, refusing to let history take us back to an era of exploitation and religious oppression.

We, at the Peaceful Revolution Youth Council, affirm our commitment to national constants: the republic, unity, equal citizenship, justice, and the rule of law. We uphold the ideals of the September 26 Revolution, which aims to create a modern civil state that ensures freedom for all Yemenis, free from discrimination and social divisions. Our goal is to collaboratively build a state and a national army that truly represents every Yemeni citizen, safeguarding their rights based on citizenship rather than sect, region, or political or religious beliefs. We denounce the actions of the Houthi Imamate militia as systematic terrorism that deliberately undermines the dignity of our people. These acts target their strength, livelihood, security, and the rich social fabric that has thrived for generations.

On this significant anniversary, despite ongoing challenges, the Council emphasizes:
1) Rejection of the Houthi Coup: We firmly reject the racist Houthi coup and any efforts to legitimize it. Leniency towards the Houthis is a crime for which all accomplices are accountable.
2) Condemnation of Political Settlements: We oppose any political agreements that legitimize the Houthi militia, including the recent Saudi deal, which undermines Yemen’s sovereignty. The silence of the so-called Presidential Council on this issue is unacceptable.
3) Commitment to Yemeni Unity: Yemeni unity is non-negotiable. We condemn the Emirati-Saudi efforts to create separatist entities that threaten to fragment Yemen.
4) Call for Justice: We demand justice and accountability for those responsible for crimes against Yemenis and those who empowered militias within state institutions.
5) National References: Agreed-upon national references must guide any political solution. Violating this consensus will only lead to further conflict and division.
6) The council asserts that the policy preventing Yemenis from commemorating the anniversary of the September 26 Revolution represents a violation of their fundamental struggle for freedom and independence. It denounces the abuses perpetrated by various militias against them and their expressions of joy during national occasions. These celebrations will remain enduring symbols of the strength of Yemenis and their determination to overcome ignorance, injustice, and oppression.

Glory to the Republic!
Glory to the September 26 Revolution!
Honoring its heroes and martyrs.
Wishing healing for the wounded.
Victory for a Great Federal Yemen!

Released by:
Peaceful Revolution Youth Council
September 26, 2024
