Youth Council's Statement on 34th Anniversary of Yemeni Unification

Youth Council's Statement on 34th Anniversary of Yemeni Unification

Today, our Yemeni people celebrate the 34th anniversary of the eternal Yemeni unity amidst highly complex circumstances, as our nation confronts formidable challenges posed by non-national projects receiving suspicious foreign support in terms of finances and armaments, thereby undermining the national Yemeni project.

Nevertheless, the unwavering determination of our people to safeguard their unity, uphold the republican system, and preserve the social fabric, despite conspiracies and plans designed to sow division and fragmentation, showcases their indomitable strength and resilience even in the face of an arduous phase exacerbated by the absence of national leadership aware of its historical responsibilities.
As the Council joins in the celebration of this momentous occasion, it emphatically reiterates its steadfast commitment to Yemeni unity, recognizing it as the cornerstone of political legitimacy and a vital foundation for the stability and future of Yemen, countering external polarization and ambitions.
In this regard, the Council unequivocally rejects any endeavors aimed at dividing the nation. It views the active involvement of certain regional nations in supporting such divisive actions, disregarding the basic principles of neighboring nations and mutual political relations, as the gravest form of aggression, necessitating resolute confrontation through all available means.
In this context, the Council regards the complicity of certain domestic factions in executing divisive agendas and altering Yemen's political identity as the utmost betrayal. The involvement of local parties in these machinations, which seek to undermine the significant accomplishments of the Yemeni people, particularly unity and the republican system, does not confer authenticity or legitimacy upon such endeavors. Instead, it signifies the abandonment of loyalty to Yemen and their transformation into mere instruments in the hands of external powers, thereby depriving them of any legitimate or ethical standing.
From this perspective, the Council strongly condemns the division projects spearheaded by the Southern Transitional Council and the Houthi militias in the north, along with their endeavors to fragment the social and national fabric. It views their crimes and violations of citizens' rights and freedoms in the areas under their control as evidence of the heinousness of their non-national projects. Within this framework, the Council strongly condemns all sectarian and regional practices intended to erode Yemeni identity, fuel animosity, and escalate the scope of conflicts.
Moreover, the Council emphatically reiterates its staunch opposition to the occupation policies pursued by the UAE and Saudi Arabia, along with their overt interference in domestic affairs, which undermines the potential for reestablishing a functional state by exerting control over Yemeni decision-making through individuals who have willingly embraced dependency and subservience.
The Council also emphasizes that the continuous Iranian influence exerted through the Houthi militias, as well as the sectarian and racist mobilization in this criminal destructive project, amounts to the destruction of Yemen's present and future. It extends the dire reality created by this group to Yemeni citizens and institutions, eradicating all republican values of citizenship, justice, and the rule of law.
The Council firmly believes that Yemen's predicament is primarily a political one rather than a geographical challenge. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to establish a national authority that comprehends the true essence of Yemen and diligently safeguards the interests and dignity of its people, while vehemently opposing any encroachments on Yemeni sovereignty and rights from any external entity.
Efforts to dismantle the detrimental effects of the successive coups that have plagued Yemen, starting with the Houthi coup in September 2014, along with the prevention of criminals from benefiting from future peace agreements, and the prosecution of all those involved in violations against Yemeni civilians, regardless of their nationalities, will pave the way for the establishment of genuine and enduring peace.

Glory to Yemen,
Eternity to the martyrs,
Recovery to the wounded.

Released by:
Peaceful Revolution Youth Council
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
