Under auspices of the Yemeni community in Malaysia, the council of the revolutionary youth and the Yemeni students' union in Malaysia held a celebration on the 8th anniversary of the 11th February revolution in the national university of Malaysia.

The council of the revolutionary youth warned of consequences of laxity with those who supported the militia when the militia seized power and attempting to bring them back to power.

The council of the revolutionary youth said the 26th September revolution was not a mere event or historical coincidence but one of the greatest revolutions in history.

The council of the revolutionary youth considered the announcement of fired governor of Aden Aiderous Al-Zubaidi of the southern transitional council a new coup against the legitimacy of president Hadi and the outcomes of the national dialog conference.

The council of the revolutionary youth condemned occupation of its headquarters and looting its equipment in the capital Sanaa by the Houthis pro-Saleh, describing the move as "a barbaric attack".

The council of the revolutionary youth organised a poetical and artistic event to mark the 14th death anniversary of the great Yemeni poet Abdullah Al-Baradouni.
