Council: STC a new coup against legitimacy of president Hadi

Council: STC a new coup against legitimacy of president Hadi

The council of the revolutionary youth considered the announcement of fired governor of Aden Aiderous Al-Zubaidi of the southern transitional council a new coup against the legitimacy of president Hadi and the outcomes of the national dialog conference.

The council, which was one of the components of the revolution and headed by activist and Nobel laureate Tawwakol Karman, reminded the United Nations Security Council and the member states of the Arab coalition that the ongoing war against the putschists derives its legitimacy from the request of president Hadi as the representative of the legitimate government to restore the state.

"No legitimacy should contradict the legitimacy of president Hadi. Any faction or person works against Hadi's legitimacy should be considered a rebel against the legitimate government".
