Pioneering revolutionaries mark 2nd anniversary of revolution

Pioneering revolutionaries mark 2nd anniversary of revolution

The 15th January Movement and the council of the revolutionary youth on Tuesday marked the second anniversary of the revolution at Sanaa University.

They organised a celebration in which speeches were delivered, songs and plays performed and that was attended by large numbers of college students, politicians and government officials.

During the demonstration, demonstrators chanted pro-freedom slogans, congratulated the Tunisian people for succeeding in overthrowing the dictator regime of bin Ali.

The movement's speech given by Kamal Haydara called for engaging all political forces in the national dialog conference. "Some goals of the revolution have been achieved incompletely. We count on the president to achieve them completely," the speech said.

It praised the youth as the engine of the uprising which ousted former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and his relatives who held all senior military, non-military and security posts.

The movement said it will head to institutional work after its revolutionary activities for two years.

A speech delivered by Eng. Fuad Al-Huthayfi on behalf of the council said the 15th January is one of the most precious occasions, especially as it comes two days after the day of reconciliation.

"The anniversary of the 15th January revolutionary is an extension of the southern movement uprising. We all took to the streets for the sake of Yemen and to return all who have been fired and exiled. The youth are the makers of change," the council's speech said, warning of attempting to defraud the youth over their representation in the national dialogue conference and calling on president to appoint competent military and security chiefs instead of appointments based on power sharing quotas.

It urged president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi to reinstate all southern military and non-military officials who had been fired by the former regime, implement the twenty points, forming a fund for the martyrs and the wounded. "We will accept an army based on reinstating all southern military officers," it said.

Former culture minister Khalid Al-Ruwaishan said he did not wonder a revolution would blow up in Yemen a day after overthrowing the Tunisian president, praising the roles of the youth and addressing the youth, "you are the true hope. The people are looking forward to your achievements".

"Any political work has no value if the youth are not its essence and optimal start," Al-Ruwaishan said.

Member of the technical committee of the dialogue Abdullah Al-Nakhibi delivered a speech in which he congratulated the activists of the 15th January movement on the second anniversary of the revolution.

"The southern provinces started struggle six years ago. They deliberated with wise men in the southern movement and decided to join the revolution," Al-Nakhibi said.

"The revolution never stops. No obstacles will deter us from achieving development and building our country," he added.

At the celebration, the initiative of the 15th January movement was announced. It was presented by Salim Al-Jalal who said: "We are warning of the policy of power-sharing quotas implied in the philosophy of the technical committee of the national dialogue conference".

Al-Jalal reaffirmed the importance of representation of the youth in the dialogue, requesting president Hadi to sponsor youth representatives within his quota.
