Yemen marks 3rd anniversary of revolution

Yemen marks 3rd anniversary of revolution

Youth and students of the peaceful revolution marked the third anniversary of the students' revolution which erupted on 15th January 2011 with a festival in the Martyr Yassir Arafat Hall in Sanaa University.

In the festival which was held by the council of the revolutionary youth, they vowed to continue their peaceful revolution with new ways in order to achieve all the goals of the revolution and to honour those who martyred during the revolution. In the end of the event, they carried flowers and walked to the revolution martyrs' cemetery in north of the Change Square.

In their 15th January speech, they said Yemen is experiencing a very complicated situation and that the peaceful revolution is besieged by the mentality of old elites that lacks a clear vision and is unable to answer questions raised by the present time and the future. These old elites are reproducing conflicts to protect special interests at the expense of the interests of the revolutionary people who are concerned about the country's future, they said.

The revolution remains a difficult mission aimed at undermining the pillars of the former regime and replacing it with a new regime based on the principles of freedom, justice and equality, they said, affirming they will continue their job until the revolution's goals are achieved.

The speech added: "There is no way to avoid this accumulation but through further alignment of the revolutionary forces, especially the youth who are considered the future's social force dreaming of a state of equal citizenship, social justice and a state for all Yemenis who have sacrificed a lot to make their dream come true".

They called for reshaping the map of the political forces as follows:
- Immediate formation of a committee for investigating the 2011's violations against the revolution's youth and criminalising any pardon to those involved in crimes including the impunity law.
- Issuing an immediate decree to approve 11th February as a national day.
- Finishing the restructuring of the armed and security forces, judiciary and eradicating financial and administrative corruption within the military and security institutions.
- The government should impose the rule of law across the country and immediately stop wars without offering any concessions at the expense of the existence of the national state.
- Dissolving the parliament, the Shura council and local councils because they are representing forces obstructing change and can’t be trusted to implement the outcomes of the national dialog conference.
- Strengthening the role of the youth of the revolution as a force that can guarantee pushing for change and building a state of equal citizenship. If the youth don't mobilise their efforts during this very crucial turning point as an effective revolutionary player, the former regime would reproduce itself in new forms.

It is worth mentioning that the 15th January student movement included some of the prominent leaders of the revolution of the youth in Sanaa against the former regime. This movement held the first protest from Sanaa University to the Tunisian embassy on 15th January 2011.

Its foundation statement affirms that the student's revolution is firm, a source of inspiration, the movement will continue to in good mutual relations based on respect and sharing concerns of the revolutionaries.
